Support Partners For Pets

Thursday, June 16, 2011

We Got Slammed This Week

Yikes!! This week we got almost 40, yes 40, animals into the Collinsville animal control.  Three litters of kittens, a litter of larger pups, some kitties, numerous other dogs.  Needless to say everyone was scrambling to make room for the new animal control intakes in an already full shelter.  Calls were made to fosters and other rescue groups.  Some dogs were shifted up to the Troy shelter.  We did an adoption! Lots of juggling.  Thanks to all the foster people that helped out. We are still full at both shelters which means we will not be able to take any from animal control when they are ready and you know what that means....  FYI-when the animals come into animal control as strays they have to stay there 7 days until they can be signed over to P4P.  Owner surrenders can be signed over immediately.  We only have so many cages, fosters and spots at Troy.  If there is no room at the shelter, foster homes or Troy then we cannot take the animals from AC and they will be euthanized.  Our goal is to take all of the animals from animal control so if anyone can help out please do.  Crosspost some of the dogs and cats to others.  Even to other rescues. And keep your fingers crossed for the weekend.  Call Nev at the shelter at 618-540-7387 if you can help. Just one fostered helps greatly especially when 10 people foster one dog or cat.   Thanks! 


Tilt is an older little shih mix whose head, well, tilts.  He came to us with a really funny looking neck and a funny cock to his head.  The vet checked him out and put him on antibiotics for a few weeks to no avail.  He also had a very hard lump in his neck.  Tilt had a severly infected salivary gland.  The swelling in his neck was spit.  Yuk!  He had surgery Weds. to remove the gland.  It has been sent off for biopsy so keep your fingers crossed.  Tonight Tilt is happy as can be with a drain in his neck.  He was so excited to go out for a small walk and had a good dinner.  You just can't keep that little guy down. 

Friday, June 3, 2011

Sheba Update

Sheba is doing great.  She has been released by Dr. Mollet and all her boo-boos' are healed.  Somehow she didn't get much of an infection.  She is very happy and a very sweet girl.  Sheba is ready to find a new home.  Probably one with no fences.  Thanks to all who helped rescue her and get her to safety.  Great teamwork!!

Horseradish Festival in Collinsville!!

The Annual Horseradish Festival will be this weekend, June 4th and 5th at the Woodland Park in Collinsville from 11:00 AM til 4:00 PM.  We will have a booth in the childrens' area with some dogs.  If you would like to help please come by or just come by to visit.  It's going to be a hot one!