Support Partners For Pets

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

P4P September Schedule

September is going to be a very busy month.  If you have any questions regarding the events or would like to volunteer please email me at   So here goes!

Sept. 1     Adoptions at Glen Carbon and O'Fallon, IL PetSmart from 11:00 AM til 3:30 PM. We need volunteers at both events.

Sept. 2     Adoptions at Glen Carbon PetSmart from 11:00 AM til 3:30 PM

Sept. 8     Adoptions at O'Fallon PetSmart from 11:00 AM til 3:30 PM. Volunteers needed!
Sept. 8   Troy Fest from 9:30 AM til 2:00 PM.  Volunteers needed for set up and to man the booth.

Sept. 9     Adoptions at Glen Carbon PetSmart from 11:00 AM til 3:30 PM.

Sept. 15   Adoptathon- Adoptions at O'Fallon PetSmart from 11:00 AM til 4:00 PM.
Sept. 15  WalMart Table Fund Raiser-from 9:00 AM til 2:00 PM.  Volunteers needed to help.  We will
              hand out wish lists to customers and ask for donations as they shop the Collinsville store. There will
             also have a booth with adoptable dogs and info.

Sept. 16   Adoptathon-Glen Carbon PetSmart from 11:00 til 4:00 PM.

Sept. 22   Strut Your Mutt-Queeny Park, St. Louis.  Sponsored by Best Friends Animal Society.  Sign up      
                to join the Partners For Pets pack and walk.  See the Facebook page for details and how to sign
                up.  P4P will benefit from all proceeds if you sign up with P4P.

Sept. 22  Adoptions-O'Fallon PetSmart from 11:00 til 3:30 PM. Volunteers needed!

Sept. 23   Adoptions-Glen Carbon PetSmart from 11:00 AM til 3:30 PM.

Sept. 29   Adoptions-O'Fallon Petsmart from 11:00 AM til 3:30 PM.  Volunteers needed!
Sept. 29   OpSPOT Mobil $10.00 Spay/Neuter Clinic in Granite City.  Brought to you by Partners For
                Pets, OpSPOT and SNIP Alliance.  For information call 618-550-SNIP.

Sept. 30   Adoptions-Glen Carbon PetSmart from 11:00 AM til 3:30 PM.

Sept. 30  OpSPOT Mobil $10.00 Spay/Neuter Clinic in Granite City.  Brought to you by Partners For
                Pets, OpSPOT and SNIP Alliance.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

August 2012 Review

August was a busy month with 80 adoptions!  We had one after another sick dog-and I mean really sick.  Kurt was our miracle dog and survived parvo, pneumonia and liver failure.  His vet check was today and he looks great.  Daffodil was another with parvo and serious intestinal complications.  So far so good.  We had the puppy with the worst case of ringworm ever.  I think we had about 12 heartworm treatments.  Stevos' broken leg mended and he was adopted.  Yet another bladder stone surgery with ChiChi.  Yikes!  Our vet bills are thru the roof.

On Aug. 22, Norma Caraker donated her tips from waitressing at Sgt. Peppers in Edwardsville.  Much to our surprise she collected $1102.00 in tips to help the animals at our shelter. Way to go Norma!!  Jack and Jenny started the Barkley and Ali Fund to help the sick and injured animals at our shelter. Anyone can donate to the fund to help with our vet bills. You can donate thru PayPal on our website at   You can also send a donation to our address, or call our vet, Horseshoe Lake Animal Hospital at 618-344-7949 and make a payment directly to our bill.  

Our first low cost spay/neuter clinic was August 25 and 26 with the OpSPOT mobile unit in Granite City at the Americas Port.  The clinic was made possible through a targeted spay/neuter grant with PetSmart Charities.  Partners For Pets, OpSPOT and SNIP Alliance are all working together to bring this much needed service to the GC area.  This weekend we spayed and neutered 57 pets!!!!!  Amazing what you can accomplish when everyone works together.

A lot of very nice work has been done at the shelter in the last month or so.  Dominick must have read my mind and fixed the hose holder and put a metal plate between the gate so the little dogs couldn't get through.  He made new crates to hold the newspaper, put up some shelves and metal sheets between the pens to cut down on the barking to name just a few things.  Bill fixed the door, put in a gate between the dog runs, put up more metal plates and they have been working on the shed to straighten it up.  Todd put 12 tons of new chip rock out in the dog yard.  It was really hot.  He also fixed that draining AC that was making the dog run wet and yucky and now it drains out of the pen.  I'm sure I missed some things fixed but to say the least-Thank you!

Barb, Danette and Sarah are doing a great job with the care of the animals in the shelter.  The dogs and cats are very happy.  With all the sick animals and adoptions Nev has been going non-stop taking care of the vet runs and getting everyone ready for adoption.  It takes a huge amount of work to get an animal from the pound ready so it can be adopted.  All the care, paperwork, phone calls, laundry, supply ordering, etc that it takes to keep the shelter going is amazing.  To get an animal from the pound to adoptions takes a lot of teamwork and gigantic effort from a lot of people.  I will have to do a story on all the people that make P4P possible.  I think you would be amazed at the number of people that work to help the animals at the shelter.

September will be a very busy month.  Have a good one.  Lisa