St. Louis, MO/Metro East Illinois
Please share with friends, family, co-workers. Let's make euthanasia a thing of the past!
1. SNIP Alliance (Spay/Neuter Illinois
Pets) Aids the public, shelters, and
rescue organizations in referrals for low cost spay/neuter surgeries. Call
2. Bethalto Spay Clinic, Bethalto, IL Call 618-377-2420. Prices according to
weight. Dr. Pam Clary
3. Four Hearts Foundation-male cats
only-once a month-cost $20.00
Belleville, IL. Call 618-623-9956
and leave a message.
4. Metro East Humane Society-prices vary
($50.00-$75.00) for public
Farm Spay/Neuter Program $25.00 for S/N, rabies and microchip-must
qualify as a farm
8495 State Route 143, Edwardsville, IL 62025
Call 618-656-4405.
5. Nooterville-The Big Dog program is
for dogs over 39 pounds at the time of surgery and is available for all
residents of the Bi-State area. Call
314-776-7729 and leave your phone number and a volunteer will call you back.
Financial eligibility required.
6. Operation Spot (OpSPOT). March and Sept. ($10.00) spay/neuter
surgeries at participating veterinarian clinics in St. Louis and Illinois. Call 314-995-8678 for dates, an appointment
and locations or visit www.opspot.org.
7. St. Louis Veterinary Clinic, 1611
Grand BLVD, St. Louis. Call 314-773-6400
for an appointment. Dogs under 60
pounds-$59.99. Cats-$39.99. Vaccines-$15.00.
8. 909 Vets-Call 314-909-8387 for
instructions. Local vets participate
with prices as follows: Male
Dogs-$50.00, Female Dogs-$60.00, Male Cats-$30.00, Female Cats-$40.00.
9. Low cost spay/neuter OpSPOT Spay/Neuter Waggin’ mobile clinic in Granite
City at the America’s Central Port
starting again in March, 2013.
$10.00 for dogs under 55 pounds and cats. Thanks to a generous grant from PetSmart
Charities in cooperation with Partners For Pets, OpSPOT and SNIP Alliance. Call 618-550-SNIP (7647) for information and
an appointment starting in Feb. 2013.
10. East St. Louis, IL and surrounding
communities-Gateway Pet Guardians transports animals to Carol House Quick Fix
Pet Clinic. For information call
314-664-7398 to sign up.
11. Carol
House Quick Fix Pet Clinic, 1218 South Jefferson, St. Louis, MO. Call 314-771-7387 (PETS) for an
appointment. Dogs-$59.00,
Wellness Clinic every Sat. from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM-No appointment
necessary-rabies, dog and cat booster shots, heartworm tests, FIV/Felv cat
tests, Microchip, Nail trim, wormer available as priced.
12. State of Illinois Animal Population Control
Must receive social security disability or food stamps to qualify for
$15.00 fee. For an application call your
county health department-Madison County at 618-692-8954; St. Clair County at
618-233-7703. For further assistance
call SNIP Alliance at 618-488-2656.