September is going to be a very busy month. If you have any questions regarding the events or would like to volunteer please email me at So here goes!
Sept. 1 Adoptions at Glen Carbon and O'Fallon, IL PetSmart from 11:00 AM til 3:30 PM. We need volunteers at both events.
Sept. 2 Adoptions at Glen Carbon PetSmart from 11:00 AM til 3:30 PM
Sept. 8 Adoptions at O'Fallon PetSmart from 11:00 AM til 3:30 PM. Volunteers needed!
Sept. 8 Troy Fest from 9:30 AM til 2:00 PM. Volunteers needed for set up and to man the booth.
Sept. 9 Adoptions at Glen Carbon PetSmart from 11:00 AM til 3:30 PM.
Sept. 15 Adoptathon- Adoptions at O'Fallon PetSmart from 11:00 AM til 4:00 PM.
Sept. 15 WalMart Table Fund Raiser-from 9:00 AM til 2:00 PM. Volunteers needed to help. We will
hand out wish lists to customers and ask for donations as they shop the Collinsville store. There will
also have a booth with adoptable dogs and info.
Sept. 16 Adoptathon-Glen Carbon PetSmart from 11:00 til 4:00 PM.
Sept. 22 Strut Your Mutt-Queeny Park, St. Louis. Sponsored by Best Friends Animal Society. Sign up
to join the Partners For Pets pack and walk. See the Facebook page for details and how to sign
up. P4P will benefit from all proceeds if you sign up with P4P.
Sept. 22 Adoptions-O'Fallon PetSmart from 11:00 til 3:30 PM. Volunteers needed!
Sept. 23 Adoptions-Glen Carbon PetSmart from 11:00 AM til 3:30 PM.
Sept. 29 Adoptions-O'Fallon Petsmart from 11:00 AM til 3:30 PM. Volunteers needed!
Sept. 29 OpSPOT Mobil $10.00 Spay/Neuter Clinic in Granite City. Brought to you by Partners For
Pets, OpSPOT and SNIP Alliance. For information call 618-550-SNIP.
Sept. 30 Adoptions-Glen Carbon PetSmart from 11:00 AM til 3:30 PM.
Sept. 30 OpSPOT Mobil $10.00 Spay/Neuter Clinic in Granite City. Brought to you by Partners For
Pets, OpSPOT and SNIP Alliance.