Support Partners For Pets

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Low Cost Spay/Neuter Programs Available

St. Louis, MO/Metro East Illinois Area

Please share with friends, family, co-workers.  Let's make euthanasia a thing of the past!

1.     SNIP Alliance (Spay/Neuter Illinois Pets)  Aids the public, shelters, and rescue organizations in referrals for low cost spay/neuter surgeries. Call 618-488-2656.

2.     Bethalto Spay Clinic, Bethalto, IL  Call 618-377-2420. Prices according to weight.  Dr. Pam Clary

3.     Four Hearts Foundation-male cats only-once a month-cost $20.00
Belleville, IL.  Call 618-623-9956 and leave a message.

4.     Metro East Humane Society-prices vary ($50.00-$75.00) for public
Farm Spay/Neuter Program $25.00 for S/N, rabies and microchip-must qualify as a farm
8495 State Route 143, Edwardsville, IL 62025
Call 618-656-4405.

5.     Nooterville-The Big Dog program is for dogs over 39 pounds at the time of surgery and is available for all residents of the Bi-State area.  Call 314-776-7729 and leave your phone number and a volunteer will call you back. Financial eligibility required.

6.     Operation Spot (OpSPOT).  March and Sept. ($10.00) spay/neuter surgeries at participating veterinarian clinics in St. Louis and Illinois.  Call 314-995-8678 for dates, an appointment and locations or visit

7.     St. Louis Veterinary Clinic, 1611 Grand BLVD, St. Louis.  Call 314-773-6400 for an appointment.  Dogs under 60 pounds-$59.99.  Cats-$39.99.  Vaccines-$15.00. 

8.     909 Vets-Call 314-909-8387 for instructions.  Local vets participate with prices as follows:  Male Dogs-$50.00, Female Dogs-$60.00, Male Cats-$30.00, Female Cats-$40.00. 

9.     Low cost spay/neuter OpSPOT  Spay/Neuter Waggin’ mobile clinic in Granite City at the America’s Central Port  starting again in March, 2013.  $10.00 for dogs under 55 pounds and cats.  Thanks to a generous grant from PetSmart Charities in cooperation with Partners For Pets, OpSPOT and SNIP Alliance.  Call 618-550-SNIP (7647) for information and an appointment starting in Feb. 2013.

10.    East St. Louis, IL and surrounding communities-Gateway Pet Guardians transports animals to Carol House Quick Fix Pet Clinic.  For information call 314-664-7398 to sign up.

11.   Carol House Quick Fix Pet Clinic, 1218 South Jefferson, St. Louis, MO.  Call 314-771-7387 (PETS) for an appointment.  Dogs-$59.00, Cats-$39.00. 
Wellness Clinic every Sat. from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM-No appointment necessary-rabies, dog and cat booster shots, heartworm tests, FIV/Felv cat tests, Microchip, Nail trim, wormer available as priced.

12.   State of Illinois Animal Population Control Program
Must receive social security disability or food stamps to qualify for $15.00 fee.  For an application call your county health department-Madison County at 618-692-8954; St. Clair County at 618-233-7703.  For further assistance call SNIP Alliance at 618-488-2656.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Is that a Dog? The Story of Marly.

Last Friday I got a call from Madison County Animal Control.  A dog had come in that was in terrible shape and needed help.  I was cleaning the shelter so I couldn't get there til after noon.  When I got there John said he had an all day project for me.  A man had found her and another little dog (another story) runnign loose near a road.  He said they were strays. 

When I looked into the kennel run I wasn't sure what I was looking out.  A little dirty, matted mound of hair mess was wandering around the kennel bumping into things.  Her eyes had pus running out and one looked like it had ruptured.  The AC guys said they had trimmed some of the hair off her eyes because you couldn't see her eyes.  Right out the door we went and headed to Horseshoe Lake Animal Hospital. She was wagging her matted tail as we headed out the door. 

I gave her a Capstar to kill the fleas when I got there.  They were crawling.  When I walked into the vet office a collective "Oh!!" went up.  One lady was eyeing me like Iwas a monster for letting her get in that shape until someone asked where she came from.  We went into the room and I started looking her over while the tech got some info. 

The hair on her legs was like a thick concrete legging around them.  It was hard and dirty.  Her left eye was in terrible shape and all I could see was pus.  Her teeth were in terrible shape and she looked to be at least ten years old.  She had a large marble size mammary tumor.  Her nails were long and curled under.  Her ears were about 5 inches long and encased in hard matted hair.  There were long plugs of ear wax coming out of her ears.  I have to say in the ten years I've been doing this she is one of the worst cases of neglect I've see.

Dr. Randla came in and checked her out.  Very soon she was whisked to the back for some work.  And I mean some work.  There were 3-4 techs working on her for 2 hours.  The hair was so hard you couldn't cut thru it.  There was two girls with clippers slowly inching the crud off of her. Dr. Randla came back between patients and worked on her.  They called her Marly because of the terrible dreds she had.  Through all of this she just laid there and let them work on her.  One time she cried because her skin was so raw under the concrete.  Finally she got in the tub and had her first bath in a very long time.  She loved it.  Her eyes were cleaned, nails trimmed and ears cleaned.  Wow!!  There was a dog in there! 

Today when I stopped by Horseshoe everyone was asking how Marly was.  This is why we use Horseshoe-they went above and beyond to help this little mess of a dog.  Everyone jumped in to save her when others might have thought it was hopeless or not worth the effort.  Thanks guys!

Marley is doing great! Her eye is looking much better and I hope it will heal and she won't lose it.  She loves her little coats and eats like a piggy.  Soon she will get a dental and have the tumor removed.  Tonight she is going to a foster home!!  Here are a few pictures of her transformation.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Little Miracles

About 8 weeks ago we pulled a very pregnant little dog from the pound.  Two days later she came down with parvo.  Midge was taken to Horseshoe Lake Animal Hospital and treatment was started.  The vets researched and there was very little information on pregnant dogs and parvo so a conservative treatment was started.  The next morning, hooked up to IV's and very sick, Midge gave birth to 9 puppies.  She was a good momma and tried her best to clean the babies and then vomit.  The techs stood there with her and took the babies and cleaned them so she wouldn't be sick.  There were two babies that didn't make it right away, they were very weak.  Then we lost a third.  The rest were very healthy and eating well.  No one was sure if the pups would get parvo or what to do.  Some of the meds that Midge needed were not good for the babies but if Midge didn't make it the chances of the pups making it were slim.  It was decided to treat Midge aggressively and hope for the best.  The next day Midge was better.  On Monday she and her babies got to come home.  The next five weeks would tell if the pups would make it.  We watched them like a hawk.  We made it to the 5 week mark!! The are now 8 weeks old and ready to find their new home.

Midge with Parvo and new babies